Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pancreas inflamed and work

The last two days, my pancreas has still been super inflamed BUT I have pushed through and worked.  I'm doing what the doctors said to do.  DONT EAT and GET LOTS OF WATER.  They also said to rest and that.... I am NOT doing.   I have survived the last 3 days on coffee, toast and a ton of water.

The pain on the drive to and from work is EXCRUCIATING!!!!!  I am literally in tears, screaming on my drive home.

I get home and I take a pain pill and I lay in bed tossing and turning, crying all night.  I have to push through and be strong.  There is no time to feel sorry for myself and I certainly dont want others to feel sorry for me either.  I just want to make it until my last day of work this week and then get to the hospital for my stay and get better again.

I have a job that is quite exhausting.  As everyone knows, Im a cocktail waitress in a busy lounge on the Las Vegas strip.  I make great money and I try to stick it out and work to not only pay these insane medical expenses BUT cover my health insurance.  Our health insurance is based off of the amount of hours we work.  If I don't work my hours, I have to pay a high price per hour that is lost.

Friday, April 4, 2014


My lipase was 208 on the 14th and now on the 24th, it's 500.  How is this possible? How??  I mean seriously?  I was just admitted to the hospital on the 3rd of this month for this.  My Lipasee was 500, it caused this exacct pain, then It spiked to 1048 in one night.  I couldn't move.  I was hospitalized.  Now less than a month later, it's starting again. 
This pain, it's excruciating. every breathe I take, I feel it stabbing into my back.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

My face is beginning to flare and it hurts!!!!

3:20am and I have to admit, this is painful.   My face is beginning to flare and it feels like my face is on FIRE!!!!!  These bumps are getting bigger and bigger and they are pulsating.  You can feel that they are right down to the nerve root.  The bumps and the entire area feel like they are on fire.  And my chest is starting to get all red and itchy...eerrrrrr!

And there is nothing I can do except take it like a warrior!!

(my face was clear and NOT on fire earlier today..this just started)