Monday, March 24, 2014

The sickness you feel in your gut and in the sadness you feel in your heart when your on your lunch break, you sign into your "private" Lupus support group and your read a young beautiful girl in her 20's saying she can NOT take it any more.  She can't handle the pain and she thinks how easy life would be if she just took her life.  This is something I read on Lupus groups too often.  The pain this damn disease causes is unreal.  It's demonic is my opinion and how in the hell can we as a society sit back and NOT have a cure for this?  Without warning this disease will kill us Lupies. I could be at work tonight and die tomorrow.  Thats the reality.  So many of these Lupies live in isolation when in reality, they need to be out enjoying the breaths that God is giving them b/c those breaths may be their last!  There is beauty in this world BUT only with education and awareness is this going to happen.  Unfortunately, people that have this disease are WAY to embarrassed to talk about.  Shoot, I am single and I have no kids.  I have no one to embarrass.  LOL.  I  am ready to scream from the mountain tops at our senators and our government that we need funding, we need research!  Furthermore, how in the hell can we educate ourselves and families on a disease that even doctors and scientists cant even explain what causes it ANd that has NO cure AND that is fatal??  What kind of life is this to live??  If you let it, it will, without a doubt swallow you whole!!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to this great herbal doctor who cured me of LUPUS DISEASE his name is Dr. Iyabiye. I suffered LUPUS for over 12 years with pains like: Achy joints, Skin rash, Pain in the chest, swollen joints and many more. The anti-inflammatory drugs couldn’t help, until I read about his recommendation 4 months ago, I contacted him and he administered his medication on me and I was confirmed cured and free at the hospital after taken his medication. You too can be cured if interested. Contacts:
    (+2348072229413 / +2348158577300)
